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Airsoft Skirmish Frequently Asked Questions

Wolverhampton Airsoft FaQ’s This is where you will find most answers. If there should still be any questions left, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Airsoft Skirmish


Do I need to book?

No you can turn up but booked players will recieve lunch on the day.

Whats the Chrono limits fps?

AEG & HPA all standard weapons
350 fps (semi and fully auto)

DMR locked to semi 450 fps
Sniper bolt action 500 fps
both minimum engagement 30 m.

All Chrono on 0.2g bb’s

How do i find you?

Hilton Park Airsoft is located at Skirmish Paintball Games Cannock road Featherstone Wolverhampton Wv10 7AD

How much is it?

£30 walkon with hot food

£55 full kit hire with Ammo.

Do i need a UKARA to play there?

No not to play on the site we are UKARA registered.

More Questions

How old do i need to be to play Airsoft?

12 years old is our minimum age for junior airsoft players.

How do i get an Airsoft UKARA?

You need to attend 3 Airsoft game days or mission events at the Hilton Park Airsoft venue within 12 months and no fewer than 2 months. traditionally you will recieve a free UKARA registration on your 3rd month of attending.

How long does a normal game day last?

Normally gates open at 08.30 and close at 4pm (except night games). sign in closes at 09.15 and morning brief starts at 09.30. Games commence shortly after. game play varies on the day from Main missions to small Skirmishes.  we break for lunch around midday and then continue into the afternoon. Game play normally finishes at 15.30 and players exit the site soon after.

Can i come in my Ferrari / Sports car?

Suitable transport is advised as we are 1.5 miles off the main roads on an agricultural track so weather can cause mud, puddles or potholes. You dont need a monster truck but we dont suggest coming in your shiny new race car. we operate a timed in and out system so if you are dropping off please be aware you will meet all the incoming traffic on the way out with limited passing places.

Questions continued

What eye protection do i need?

EN 166 stamped or rated lenses are required

Players under the age of 16 must wear full face protection.( unless writen permission is given on sign in)  Full face protection is available at site for no extra charge although a re-fundable £5.00 deposit is required.

Shooting glasses are also available from site for no extra charge although a re-fundale £5.00 deposit is required.

Full face protection is either:
1) A full mesh mask
2) A full paintball goggle

Players 16 and over must wear eye protection as a minimum but full face protection is strongly advised.

If wearing your own eye protection you are responsible for the suitability of your own equipment.

Can I use Grenades?

Pyrotechnics (Pyros) are allowed at Finmere with some restrictions. Please use any Pyros with discretion and player safety in mind:

To buy pyros on Site – you must be over 18.

Pyros that are allowed:

  • Smoke grenades (see ‘not allowed’ section below).
  • BB Grenades
  • Pea Grenades
  • Flashbangs / Thunder Flashes (nothing greater than a Mk5 Thunder Flash)
  • Blank Firing Grenades (BFG’s) maximum 6mm only

Pyros that are NOT allowed:

  • Lifeboat grade smoke grenades
  • Sonic Grenades
  • Crow Scarers
  • Fireworks
Hit taking and cheating!

Airsoft is a game based on honesty and integrity.
Hilton Park Airsoft has a reputation as being a friendly site with minimum cheating. We will do everything possible to maintain and enhance this reputation.

Hit Taking:
The general rule with regards to hit taking is – If in doubt, call yourself out!
Basically, if you think you’ve been hit (even if you’re not quite sure) then do the honourable thing and call it. At Hilton, we don’t have long periods of time for dead players to wait before re-joining the action, so you won’t miss much!
If you see someone else (team mate etc.) get hit without realising it, politely point it out to them.

Gun Hits and Ricochets:
Gun hits do not count.
Severe ricochets do not count. However, firing through bushes and mild deflections DO count. If in doubt, call yourself out!

Cheating has no place in Airsoft and is not tolerated at Hilton. We operate a 2 strike rule and any marshalls word is final.
Strike 1 – If you are caught cheating you will be removed from the game.
Strike 2 – If you are caught cheating for a second time, you will be asked to leave the site and not return. No refund will be given.

Cheat Calling:
This the practice of shouting at an opposing player during a game and basically accusing them of cheating. It has no place at a site as friendly as Hilton. If you suspect another player is cheating, you must report it immediately to a member of Site Staff.

Dead Men:
Dead men don’t talk. If you are hit and therefore out of the game, you cannot pass any information to your team mates. This includes talking, nodding, pointing, gestures, eye movements or radio messages etc. It is cheating and will be dealt with as such.

Will I be on the same team as my friends?

Most likely yes you can hold hands and skip through the woods to your hearts content. However as the format is generally a team game the staff on the day will try and build balanced teams to make gameplay fluid so dont expect to have all the hardned airsoft players on one side lighting up all the first timers and new guys. normally we can accomodate squads or teams staying together occasionally we have to split groups to balance play. THIS IS BOTH FOR YOUR AND EVERYONES ENJOYMENT SO PLEASE DONT CRY ABOUT IT!

Contact us

  • Address

    Hilton Park Airsoft

    Skirmish Paintball Games

    WV10 7AD